How To Order Brioche Burger Buns for a Festival or Large Event

Up North, where hearty grub reigns supreme, a batch of brioche burger buns is nothing short of essential for any reputable hotel or eatery. Yet, what truly sets the pros apart is their knack for serving top-notch brioche buns to their patrons.


Now, with the hustle and bustle of running a business up here, you might find yourself without the time to craft these delectable buns from scratch. That's where we come in – here's your guide on sourcing brioche burger buns in bulk to whip up the tastiest of burgers across the Northeast.


We'll dish out a few pointers that'll not only save you precious time but also keep those coffers healthy. So, stick around for some sage advice!


Taste Test First

Before you commit to a bulk order, it's crucial to get a taste of what you're buying. A nifty trick here is to sample a brioche bun tailored explicitly for bulk orders.


You see, creating brioche buns for intimate gatherings is a world apart from mass-producing them for a diverse clientele. Suppliers often need to adjust their recipes, especially when it comes to preservatives, flavour enhancers, and other key ingredients.


So, you might savour a perfectly baked brioche bun when prepared individually, only to receive a different beast altogether in a bulk order. To dodge that bullet, try out a bun from a bulk batch.


Source Check

What truly distinguishes one supplier from another is where they source their ingredients. This chiefly encompasses two types of goods:


The Edible Ingredients

This covers the various flours they use, oils, yeast, extracts, flavour additives, preservatives, glazes, and everything that adorns their brioche burger buns. Ensuring that these ingredients hail from top-notch suppliers is a must.


The Non-Edible Equipment

The non-edible baking gear includes:


·         The molds they employ

·         The ovens they bake in

·         Knives, sieves, whisks, bowls, containers

·         Refrigeration units

·         Dry storage facilities

·         Washing stations and cleaning supplies

·         Electrical gadgets that might see daily use

Once again, you'll want to ensure that the bakery you're partnering with uses high-quality equipment, kept spick and span. To ease your mind, they should be regularly audited by and external food quality control certifier such as SALSA and hold accreditation.


Batch Blueprint

Before you make that bulk order, take a moment to plan out your requirements. How many small, freshly baked batches of buns do you need daily? Are larger weekly batches more suited to your operation? Perhaps monthly orders with cold storage are the way to go? Or maybe you have a unique schedule in mind?


Sorting out these batch details before making your move will not only save you time but also help you pinpoint the most cost-effective supplier for your needs.


In a Nutshell

When it comes to selecting a bulk brioche burger bun supplier, you've got plenty to chew on. Your priority is sourcing from a place that consistently serves up high-quality buns and can cater to your delivery schedule, just like our very own Geordie Bakers!


To learn more about what we offer and how we can help, don't hesitate to reach out today.


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